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Alberta’s Vehicle Insurance Options

Alberta has grappled with auto insurance premiums for over two decades. To curb increases, it has undertaken many reforms such as introducing the command-and-control Grid rating system, caps on premium increases, no-fault insurance for compensation for property damage and a limit on insurance premium increases for good drivers.

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Impacts of Rate Caps on Auto Insurance Rates in Alberta

Alberta’s automobile insurance system has experienced significant increases in claim costs which are impacting premiums paid by the province’s three million drivers.

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Key concerns with Oliver Wyman’s Feasibility Study of Long-Term Auto Insurance Reforms

Insurance Bureau of Canada has found major errors and flaws in the study. These inaccuracies result in incorrect and misleading conclusions, and dramatically overstated savings from a move to a public no-fault system in Alberta.

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Public Auto Insurance Backgrounder

There is a reason that no jurisdiction in North America has moved to create a public auto insurer in almost 50 years – they simply don’t work.

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Alberta Private Passenger Vehicle Auto Insurance Data

There are 39 companies in Alberta that compete to provide auto insurance coverage to the province’s 3.4 million drivers.

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Alberta’s insurance industry is local and essential

Alberta’s home, car and business insurers play a key role in supporting the provincial economy.

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Is there anything that can be done right now to lower auto premiums?

A series of reforms are needed to deliver savings to Alberta drivers today and into the future.

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What’s happening with auto insurance rates in Alberta?

There are significant challenges in Alberta’s auto insurance system that, if left unaddressed, will put pressure on rates and threaten the viability of Alberta’s insurers.

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Legal costs driving up price of auto insurance in Alberta

New MNP report shows legal costs account for roughly 20% of premiums for mandatory coverage.

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It’s time to rethink Alberta’s Grid System

The current Grid framework penalizes safe drivers with higher premiums and incentivizes bad behavior on our roadways.

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Deloitte finds the current function of the Grid no longer aligns with its original intent

On average, drivers pay $65 to subsidize Grid system.

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IBC’s proposal to improving the affordability of auto insurance in Alberta

Enhancing Care & Expanding Choice would provide Alberta drivers with twice the amount of treatment and care following an accident, while giving them the ability to choose new coverage options to save up to $200 in premiums, on average.

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The truth about auto insurance premiums

Breakdown of how every dollar collected in private passenger auto insurance in Alberta is spent

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There’s an easier way
to save $325

It’s time for real change and real savings. Auto insurance reform can save Albertans up to $325.

How Are Insurance
Premiums Calculated?

Have you ever wondered how your auto insurance premium is calculated? Here are a few of the factors insurance companies look at when determining your rates.

Alberta’s Insurance Industry is
Here to Help

The Alberta insurance industry is local and essential, and composed of members of your community who are there to support you when you need it most.

Alberta’s Insurance Industry is
Local & Essential

The insurance industry in Alberta is composed of people who care about helping their neighbours and making a difference for those in need.